2024/2025 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

Below are some of the most frequently asked questions regarding on-campus living. If you don't find the answer you are looking for, please feel free to contact University Housing Services.

General Information

Petition to Cancel

What if I need to cancel my contract? Will I get my money back?

You must notify University Housing Services in writing to cancel your License Agreement. If notification is received at least 30 days prior to the beginning of the fee period (the first day that the halls/suites/apartments open), you will receive a full refund less the $100 license processing fee and the $50 non-refundable application fee. If you petition to cancel with less than 30 days’ notice or after the beginning of the fee period, you must meet the criteria outlined in the Annual Housing License Agreement. (See section 9a and b). 

The License Agreement is for the entire academic year (mid-August to–mid-May, excluding winter break, for the Suites, Classics, International House, Spartan Village on the Paseo, and CV2; mid-August to the second to last weekend of May for the Apartments). Refer to the License Agreement Booklet for exact dates. Students who have applied for spring semester only are responsible for the entire spring semester (mid-January to mid-May for the Suites, Classics, International House, Spartan Village on the Paseo, and CV2; January 1st to the second to last weekend of May for the Apartments). Refer to License Agreement Booklet for exact dates. Students may not break the Housing License Agreement unless they meet the criteria for cancellation. Please read your license materials carefully before signing the License Agreement.

FAQ's (Payment, Housing Installment Payment Plan, Extensions and Financial Aid)

Important Things to Remember

  1. Housing Extensions only defer a portion of your housing charges until financial aid is disbursed; you are still responsible for the remaining balance.
  2. If your financial aid is delayed for some reason, you are responsible for paying your outstanding balance on or before the scheduled due dates.
  3. Tuition fee deferrals are intended for tuition ONLY and will NOT defer your housing charges. For more information regarding tuition fee deferrals please visit: http://q5oh.nigzob.com/faso/process/tuition-fee-deferral.php
  4. If you receive a late notice or call, don't ignore it! Come in and speak with the Housing Resident Accounts Coordinator in the Housing Office or an Account Specialist in the Bursar’s Office.

Financial aid may be delayed for a number of reasons, please visit the Financial Aid Office website and review the Seven Steps to Financial Aid if you have questions about your award.

Scenarios for Financial Aid, Extensions and Payments:



Students are responsible for their own accounts. If students choose to do so, they may authorize a parent user to discuss financial information regarding their accounts. Information regarding a student’s account cannot be given out to anyone other than the student unless the student has identified an authorized
parent user through the Housing Application Portal and accessed their housing application. The information allowed to be given to authorized parent users is restricted to only financial information due to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Below is a link to more information regarding FERPA as well as a link on how to add an authorized parent user to a student’s account.

FERPA information:


How to add an authorized parent user for Housing Services:

http://q5oh.nigzob.com/housing/docs/2022-2023-ay-license-materials/Designate-Authorized-User-08-26-22.pdf [pdf]

For more tutorials on how to locate information on your MY菠菜网lol正规平台 account, please visit:
