2024/2025 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)
Below are some of the most frequently asked questions regarding on-campus living. If you don't find the answer you are looking for, please feel free to contact University Housing Services.
General Information
- When can I apply for on-campus housing?
We anticipate the online housing application for the 2025/2026 academic year will be available starting in March 2025 (Spring 2026 semester ONLY housing application in October 2025). Spaces fill quickly and we encourage you to apply early. Please check the Housing website for updates on when the application will be available.
- What are the license contract periods?
Academic year license agreements for the Suites, Classics, International House, Spartan Village on the Paseo, and CV2 Residence Halls begin mid-August and end mid-May of the following year. The License Agreement does not cover the winter break period (intersession) and students must vacate their rooms and can return at the start of Spring semester. For specific license agreement contract dates, please refer to the Annual Housing License Agreement located on the housing website http://q5oh.nigzob.com/housing/. Although the residents must vacate their rooms, all belongings may stay in the room during the winter break period. Due to space limitations, it is highly unlikely that intersession housing will be available for residents of the Suites, Classics, International House, Spartan Village on the Paseo and CV2.
Residents wishing to reside in Intersession Housing during the winter break period may inquire at the UHS Housing main office. If space is available, the Licensee must submit a Winter Break Period Addendum and payment by December 5th. Residents may not remain for summer but may contract with overnight guest housing and/or contract for a summer space (pending availability) if summer housing is needed.
Academic year license agreements for the Apartments (CVA and CVB) begin mid-August and end the second to last weekend of May of the following year. Residents in the Apartments may remain in their apartment during the winter break period. Residents may not remain for summer but may contract with
overnight guest housing and/or contract for a summer space (pending availability) if summer housing is needed. Refer to License Agreement Booklet for exact dates.
- Do I have to attend or work at 菠菜网lol正规平台 to live On Campus?
- Yes. Due to high occupancy, applicants must be a matriculated student or enrolled in a degree seeking program at San Jose State University or be a faculty or professional staff member. Exceptions may be granted with approval from the Executive Director or designee.
- How do I contract for a space in a residence hall or apartment?
- Applicants must complete an online housing application, remit a $50 non-refundable
application fee and $300 initial housing payment. The online housing application process
is outlined at:
- Applicants must complete an online housing application, remit a $50 non-refundable
application fee and $300 initial housing payment. The online housing application process
is outlined at:
- How am I assigned to my room/apartment?
Applicants will be assigned to their preferred apartment/building or room and occupancy type whenever possible based on the date their online housing application, electronic license materials and payments are received. If the online housing application, $50 non-refundable application fee, and $300 initial housing payment are received by May 1, 2025, the applicant’s assignment request is processed during the first computer assignment run. UHS will make every effort to assign applicants to the requested area or community and occupancy type based on preference and qualifications required to meet established criteria of any community yet reserves the right to assign any applicant to any space based on administrative necessity, regardless of applicant qualifications.
Online housing applications and payments received after the May 1, 2025 deadline will still be processed. Applicants submitting an online housing application and payments after this date may not receive a room assignment by the deadline to establish a Housing Installment Payment Plan allowing 4 installments. While the Housing Installment Payment Plan may still be selected, the number of installments will be reduced according to the date materials are received. Please note that residents who elect to enroll in the Housing Installment Payment Plan (IPP) to pay their fees in installments will be charged an additional non-refundable fee of $35.00 for this plan each semester.
- How quickly should I Complete THE ONLINE HOUSING APPLICATION?
- The academic year 2025/2026 online housing application is available for new applicants starting in March 2025 (Spring 2026 semester ONLY housing application in October 2025) and we encourage you to complete the online housing application and submit payments as soon as possible. The deadline is May 1, 2025 (October 20, 2025 for Spring only application). By completing your online housing application (electronically signed License Agreement, $50 non-refundable application fee and $300 initial housing payment) by this date, you will be included with the first round of assignments. You may also complete your online housing application and submit payments any time after this date and your room/apartment assignment will be made on a first-completed, first-assigned basis as long as space remains available. Please keep in mind that housing fills quickly and typically has a paid waiting list. We encourage you to submit an online housing application and payments well in advance and as early as possible. Current housing residents will receive information in January 2025 about the Returning Resident Sign Up Process which starts in February 2025.
- As a first-time frosh am I guaranteed housing?
Although University Housing Services strives to provide housing for all incoming frosh, there is no guarantee that all first-year frosh will be accommodated at the start of the academic year. We encourage you to complete the online housing application (electronically signing the License Agreement, remit the $50 non-refundable application fee and $300 initial housing payment) by the May 1, 2025 (October 20, 2025 for spring only) deadline.
Situations which can prevent a first-time frosh from securing housing include:
- Waiting too long to apply for housing. We accept applications on a first completed, first served basis. We encourage all new applicants to complete the online housing application process as soon as the application becomes available in March 2025 (Spring 2026 ONLY application available in October 2025).
- Filling out the online housing application, but not remitting the mandatory $50 non-refundable application fee, not electronically signing the License Agreement, a minor not designating a parent/guardian or legally responsible adult to electronically sign the License Agreement, and neglecting to remit the $300 initial housing payment. The online housing application must be completed (electronically signed License Agreement, $50 non-refundable application fee and $300 initial housing payment) in order for the application to be considered complete.
- I haven't been admitted to the university yet; May I still contract to live ON CAMPUS?
- Once you have applied for admissions to 菠菜网lol正规平台 and are assigned an 菠菜网lol正规平台 ID#, you will be able to apply for on-campus housing. You are encouraged to apply for on-campus housing early; however, UHS is not able to allow you to move in until you have been admitted to the University and enrolled in a degree seeking program at San José State University.
- What if I need to stay in my room/apartment during winter or spring break?
- The Apartments remain open during both winter and spring break periods at no additional fee. The Suites, Classics, International House, Spartan Village on the Paseo, and CV2 also remain open during the spring break period at no additional fee; however, they are closed during the winter break period. If you need to stay in your Suites, Classics, International House, Spartan Village on the Paseo, or CV2 room during the winter break period, please inquire at the UHS Housing main office. If there is space available, winter break housing may be offered. Meals are not served during either winter or spring break periods. There is an additional fee for winter break housing in the Suites, Classics, International House, Spartan Village on the Paseo, or CV2 (if space is available).
- I already know who I want to live with; how do I make sure that person is my roommate?
- Both you and your roommate of choice must complete the online housing application and fill out the Roommate Request section. The assignment is based on both parties requesting each other and providing each other's 菠菜网lol正规平台 email address; along with the same living options and occupancy preferences. If one of you selects a Theme Community, the other must also select the same Theme Community. Remember that roommate requests are honored based on space availability. Furthermore, both students completed online housing applications must be received, for the fall semester, by May 1, 2025. Roommate matching cannot be processed for Spring due to the limited number of spaces that may be available.
- How do I request a Housing Accommodation?
University Housing Services works in collaboration with the Accessible Education Center (AEC) to provide housing accommodations for students with documented disabilities who meet the eligibility and verification requirements. Students requesting an accommodation should review the Housing Accommodations information prior to completing the Housing Application.
- Do I need to sign up for utilities or internet service?
No. Wi Fi Internet access is provided and utilities are included in your rent. A limited number of Roku TV boxes are available to check out for TV service.
Telephone upgrades are available for an additional fee. Information and request forms are available in the UHS Housing main office.
- May I have a pet?
- The only pets permitted in residential life facilities are small fish and aquatic turtles that are not dangerous or harmful and/or prohibited by state or federal laws. Approved pets must be retained in fresh water aquariums that may not exceed 10 gallons in size. For more information go to Housing Pet Policy
- How do I get my mail?
- Mail is delivered Monday through Saturday (excluding holidays) to resident mailboxes located in the Mailroom in Joe West Hall, CVB or in Spartan Village on the Paseo. CVA residents have mailboxes in their building. Deliveries and packages may also be picked up in the Mailroom in Joe West Hall or Spartan Village on the Paseo. For more information go to Housing Mail Information
- Where do I park my car?
- A limited number of Campus Village parking permits are available to UHS residents in the Campus Village parking garage, at an additional fee. Spaces are not assigned, nor are they designated by apartment, suite or room. Campus Village parking permits are $100 per month ($20 per month for motorcycle), and are sold based on available spaces. If you are interested in obtaining a Campus Village parking permit, please indicate that you would like to be added to the parking wait list when you complete your online housing application. You will be required to enter your automobile license plate and other information to make this request. The deadline for applications completed and received is May 1, 2025 (October 20, 2025 for Spring only applications). A limited number of reserved outdoor parking spaces are available at the I-House for I-House Residents. Residents may choose to park in the 7th Street Garage instead by purchasing a 菠菜网lol正规平台 parking permit through Traffic & Parking Services. For more information go to Parking Information
- What furnishings are included in my room?
CVA: Apartments licensed by the bedspace are furnished and include an extra-long twin bed, dresser, desk, desk chair, mobile file, hutch, living room couch, lounge chair, lamp, coffee table, end table, 2 barstools, washer/dryer combo unit, dishwasher, garbage disposal and a shower curtain in bathroom.
CVB: Single, Double and Jr. Double occupancy units are furnished and include couch, arm chairs (1 or 2 depending on unit location), coffee table, end table, dining table, 4 dining chairs, lamp, trash can, recycle bin, and a shower curtain in the bathroom. Single bedrooms are furnished with an extra-long twin bed, 2 dressers, desk, hutch, mobile file, and a desk chair. Double and Junior Double bedrooms are furnished with 2 extra-long twin beds, 4 dressers, 2 desks, 2 hutches, 2 mobile files and 2 desk chairs. Junior Double bedrooms include 1 safety rail. Triple bedrooms are furnished with 3 extra-long twin beds, 4 dressers, 1 wardrobe with dresser drawer for the lofted bedspace, 3 desks, 3 hutches, 3 mobile files, 3 desk chairs, 2 safety rails and 2 ladders. Studio occupancy units are furnished and include an extra-long twin bed, 2 dressers (only 1 in the accessible unit), desk, 2 hutches, mobile file, desk chair, and a shower curtain in the bathroom.
Suites: Double occupancy units are furnished and include a couch, 2 arm chairs, coffee table, end table, dining table, 4 dining chairs, lamp, trash can, recycle bin, and a shower curtain in the bathroom. Bedrooms are furnished with 2 extra-long twin beds, 4 dressers, 2 desks, 2 hutches, 2 mobile files, 2 desk chairs, 2 wardrobes and 2 closets outside the room. Triple occupancy bedrooms are furnished with 3 extra-long twin beds, 4 dressers, 3 desks, 3 hutches, 3 mobile files, 3 desk chairs, 2 safety rails, 2 ladders, 3 wardrobes and 2 closets outside the room.
Classics Washburn: Double occupancy units are furnished and include 2 extra-long twin beds, 2 desks, 2 desk chairs, 2 dressers, 2 built in bookshelves, 2 built in closets, trash can, and a recycle bin. Triple occupancy units are furnished and include 3 extra-long twin beds, 3 desks, 3 desk chairs, 3 dressers, 2 built in bookshelves, 2 built in closets and 1 wardrobe for lofted bed, hutch, 2 safety rails, trash can and a recycle bin. There are a limited number of ladders available and may be requested by submitting a TMA request.
Classics Joe West: Single occupancy units are furnished and include 1 extra-long twin bed, desk, desk chair, built in dresser, built in closet, and a trash can. Double occupancy units are furnished and include 2 extra-long twin beds, 2 desks, 2 desk chairs, 2 dressers, 2 built in dressers, 2 built in closets and a trash can. Triple occupancy units are furnished and include 3 extra-long twin beds, 3 desks, 3 desk chairs, 2 dressers, 2 built in dressers, 2 built in closet and 1 wardrobe with drawer for lofted bed, recycle bin, and a trash can.
CV2: Double Occupancy units are furnished and include 2 extra-long twin beds, 2 desks, 2 mobile files, 2 desk hutches, 2 desk chairs, 2 two-drawer dressers, 2 closets, 1 trash can and 1 recycle bin. Triple occupancy units are furnished and include 3 extra-long twin beds, 3 desks, 3 desk chairs, 4 dressers (for each bed, there is 2 each 2-drawer dressers), 1 wardrobe with dresser drawer, 2 closets, 3 hutches, 2 safety rails, 2 ladders, 1 trash can and 1 recycle bin.
Spartan Village on the Paseo: Spartan Village on the Paseo offers double, triple and quadruple (quad) occupancy rooms.
A triple room is a double room reconfigured for three residents that has three junior lofts and a change in floor plan. These residents will share the two wardrobes and one closet in the room. Applicants who wish to request a triple may do so when completing their online application or can request one during the year at room change period.
A quad room is a room reconfigured for four residents that has four junior lofts and a change in floor plan. These residents will share the four wardrobes and one closet in the room. Applicants who wish to request a quad may do so when completing their online application or can request one during the year at room change period.
International House: International House offers double and triple occupancy rooms.
A triple room is a double room reconfigured for three residents that has a bunk and lofted bed and a change in floor plan. These residents will share the two closets and a wardrobe in the room. Applicants who wish to request a triple may do so when completing their online application or can request one during the year at room change period.
Petition to Cancel
What if I need to cancel my contract? Will I get my money back?
You must notify University Housing Services in writing to cancel your License Agreement. If notification is received at least 30 days prior to the beginning of the fee period (the first day that the halls/suites/apartments open), you will receive a full refund less the $100 license processing fee and the $50 non-refundable application fee. If you petition to cancel with less than 30 days’ notice or after the beginning of the fee period, you must meet the criteria outlined in the Annual Housing License Agreement. (See section 9a and b).
The License Agreement is for the entire academic year (mid-August to–mid-May, excluding winter break, for the Suites, Classics, International House, Spartan Village on the Paseo, and CV2; mid-August to the second to last weekend of May for the Apartments). Refer to the License Agreement Booklet for exact dates. Students who have applied for spring semester only are responsible for the entire spring semester (mid-January to mid-May for the Suites, Classics, International House, Spartan Village on the Paseo, and CV2; January 1st to the second to last weekend of May for the Apartments). Refer to License Agreement Booklet for exact dates. Students may not break the Housing License Agreement unless they meet the criteria for cancellation. Please read your license materials carefully before signing the License Agreement.
FAQ's (Payment, Housing Installment Payment Plan, Extensions and Financial Aid)
- When do I send in my payment?
- Your $300 initial housing payment is remitted while completing your online housing application through the Housing Application Portal. Applications will not be considered “complete” until all steps have been completed (submit the online housing application with electronically signed License Agreement, $50 nonrefundable application fee and the $300 initial housing payment). Do not wait to complete your housing application as space fills quickly.
- What is the initial payment amount?
The initial payment is $300.00 and required to complete the housing application.
I am a financial aid student and cannot afford the initial housing payment; may I
get a waiver orextension?
All housing applicants, even financial aid recipients, are expected to pay the initial housing payment out of pocket. The online housing application, electronically signed License Agreement, $50 non refundable application fee, and $300 initial housing payment must be submitted in full before your housing application can be considered for an assignment.
Reductions and/or waivers for the initial housing payment are not available. Keep in mind that the $300 initial housing payment is actually a pre-payment of a portion of your fall housing charges (or spring charges if you are a new spring applicant). It is applied directly to the housing fees and board charges. It is not a deposit since you do not get this back at the end of the academic year.
Please note that the $300 initial housing payment is only needed with each new academic year housing application (or new spring only application). If you apply for the academic year 2025/2026 and move in for the fall 2025 semester, you only need to submit one initial housing payment with your 2025/2026 application to cover both fall and spring semesters. An additional initial housing payment is NOT needed for the spring semester (unless completing a Spring ONLY application) if you are already contracted for the academic year.
It is very rare that a student will receive enough grants and loans to pay 100% of their tuition, housing fees and board, therefore all students must be prepared to pay a portion of their fees. If you are receiving more financial aid than your semester charges, the excess will be refunded directly to you, after your financial aid has been applied to your account and paid all university fees owed. More information regarding refunds can be found below.
How do I make the $300 initial housing payment?
Remember that the $300 initial housing payment is a pre-payment that is applied toward your fall housing charges (or spring charges if you are a new spring applicant). The $300 initial housing payment is paid through the University Housing Application Portal while completing your online housing application. During the application process, you will be redirected to a secure payment website, CASHNet, to remit the $50 non-refundable application fee and the $300 initial housing payment.
What are the semester payment due dates?
Semester payment due dates can be found on the Housing website. Below is the link to the semester payment due dates which include the Housing Installment Payment Plan (IPP) payment due dates:
When will I get my bill from University Housing Services?
University Housing Services does not send out paper bills or invoices. University Housing Services will bill your My菠菜网lol正规平台 account http://one.nigzob.com/ following your room assignment. It is the responsibility of the resident to make payment by the scheduled due dates. Residents may not receive an advance reminder notice of payment due date. Failure to make payment by the specified dates will result in a hold on all 菠菜网lol正规平台 records and services. All payments must be received in the UHS office by the specified due date or a $75 late fee will be assessed to the resident’s My菠菜网lol正规平台 account. Late fees will continue to be assessed each month the account is delinquent.
What happens if I can’t pay on time?
You will be advised to enroll in the Housing Installment Payment Plan (IPP). Depending on the date that you sign up, this will divide your semester charges into installments to allow smaller monthly payments instead of one larger semester payment. The Housing IPP is available by signing up on your My菠菜网lol正规平台 account. Please be aware that residents will have two different installment plans to choose from. There is one for Housing and one for Tuition. You may select either or both. The IPP is effective for that semester only and must be re-selected at the start of each semester. Please note that residents who elect to enroll in the Housing Installment Payment Plan (IPP) to pay their fees in installments will be charged an additional non-refundable fee of $35.00 for this plan each semester.
What happens if I can’t pay the full amount of the final installment payment?
Once you have already enrolled in the Housing Installment Payment Plan, under extenuating circumstances, you may request an extension from the Housing Resident Accounts Coordinator. Requests are subject to Resident Accounts Coordinator approval, and are granted only on a case by case basis.
Does my financial aid pay housing directly?
Financial Aid will be disbursed directly to the student’s My菠菜网lol正规平台 account, and applied to registration fees first. Any remaining financial aid will be applied to housing charges.
I am receiving financial aid; may I ask for an extension on my housing payment due
To see if you qualify for a Housing Extension, answer the questions listed below:
- Have your housing charges been uploaded to your My菠菜网lol正规平台 account?
- Has your financial aid package been awarded to you by the Financial Aid Office?
- Do you have at least $14,000.00 in grants and accepted loans for the academic year (or $7,000.00 if you are a new 菠菜网lol正规平台 spring semester only student)? Work Study cannot be considered for a "Housing Extension". Student loans may only be considered if UHS can verify that they have been "accepted" by the student. Please note that the earliest loans can be "accepted” is June 1.
If the answers to all three questions are "YES" then you are eligible for a Housing Extension. UHS receives a weekly report from the Financial Aid Office of the students who qualify for a housing extension. If you have any questions about your financial aid award, please contact Financial Aid at fao@nigzob.com.
If the answer to any of the above three questions is "no", then a Housing Extension cannot be approved at this time and you will need to seek other methods to pay your campus debt.
To verify if you have an approved Housing Extension, navigate to your My菠菜网lol正规平台 account and look under the "Other Indicators" section located on the right hand side of your student center page (the main page). If you have an approved Housing Extension, it will be found here along with an end date. Any remaining balance on your account past the Housing Extension end date will need to be paid immediately. You may contact the housing cashier in the UHS Housing main office to verify the specific payment due date if you are unsure.
The first Housing Extensions will be placed after semester housing charges have been uploaded to the student accounts, approximately June 27, 2025 for the fall semester, and December 5, 2025 for the spring semester.
Student loans cannot be "accepted", or included in the financial aid award package until on or after June 1. If you plan to accept any loans offered, you must log into your My菠菜网lol正规平台 account on or immediately after June 1 to accept the loans. If you are a new 菠菜网lol正规平台 spring semester only student, or are just now applying for a loan for the spring semester, those loans may be "accepted" immediately upon offer date, there is no waiting period for them.
What is the housing installment payment plan (IPP) and should I enroll in it?
The Housing IPP is the only housing payment plan available to students. By enrolling in the Housing IPP your housing charges will be divided into installments. The number of installments depends on how soon you enroll in the Housing IPP. There are a total of four possible installments each semester (fall and spring). We encourage you to sign up as soon as the option is available in late June so you can take advantage of all four installments for fall, and early-January for spring. Depending on your financial aid award, you may want to consider enrolling in the Housing IPP. Although you may have a Tuition Fee Deferral for your registration fees and a Housing Extension for your housing charges, as soon as your financial aid is disbursed to your My菠菜网lol正规平台 account, you must pay the remaining balance immediately after the Housing Extension end date if you are not enrolled in the Housing IPP. Unpaid balances may be subject to late fees and holds on your account.
Housing charges are uploaded to your My菠菜网lol正规平台 account and due on the same date as the campus registration fee due dates. The first housing payment due date for the fall semester is July 15, 2025, for the spring semester it is January 15, 2026. If you are unable to pay your entire semester housing charges by July 15, 2025 for fall or January 15, 2026 for spring, then you may want to select the Housing IPP, even if you are receiving financial aid.
The Housing IPP is semester specific meaning that if you enroll in it for the fall semester, it does not automatically enroll you for the spring semester. You will have to enroll in the Housing IPP again for the spring semester separately once the spring housing charges are uploaded to your My菠菜网lol正规平台 account. Please note that residents who elect to enroll in the Housing Installment Payment Plan (IPP) to pay their fees in installments will be charged an additional non-refundable fee of $35.00 for this plan each semester.
Should I enroll in the installment payment plan if I am receiving financial aid?
If you have a large balance remaining after your financial aid is applied, this balance may be divided into installments to allow you to make smaller payments over a period of time. Depending on when you enroll in the Housing IPP will depend on how many payments your balance will be broken up into. Keep in mind that making changes, such as adding, cancelling or changing your meal plan and adding or cancelling a Campus Village parking permit after the start of the Housing IPP, may readjust payment amounts and due dates and the final Housing IPP may not result in equal payment amounts on each Housing IPP due date. The final Housing IPP due date, regardless of how the amounts are divided, is early October (for fall) and early April (for spring).
For step by step instructions on how to enroll in the Housing IPP follow these instructions:
http://q5oh.nigzob.com/bursar/docs/steps/enroll_ipp_housing_only.pdf [pdf]
Housing IPP: When can I enroll in the housing installment payment plan (IPP)?
You can enroll in the Housing IPP once the semester charges are uploaded on your My菠菜网lol正规平台 account. If you enroll in the Housing IPP and charges are added after you enroll, or there are any other adjustments made to your account, the amounts of the installments will be adjusted to reflect these additional charges.
Important Things to Remember
- Housing Extensions only defer a portion of your housing charges until financial aid is disbursed; you are still responsible for the remaining balance.
- If your financial aid is delayed for some reason, you are responsible for paying your outstanding balance on or before the scheduled due dates.
- Tuition fee deferrals are intended for tuition ONLY and will NOT defer your housing charges. For more information regarding tuition fee deferrals please visit: http://q5oh.nigzob.com/faso/process/tuition-fee-deferral.php
- If you receive a late notice or call, don't ignore it! Come in and speak with the Housing Resident Accounts Coordinator in the Housing Office or an Account Specialist in the Bursar’s Office.
Financial aid may be delayed for a number of reasons, please visit the Financial Aid Office website and review the Seven Steps to Financial Aid if you have questions about your award.
Scenarios for Financial Aid, Extensions and Payments:
- I have accepted all available financial aid and I’m receiving over $14,000 for the
academic year.When is my payment due?
If you are receiving $14,000 or more in financial aid, you qualify for the Housing Extension and most likely already have both the Housing Extension and Tuition Fee Deferral on your account. Verify this information on your My菠菜网lol正规平台 account under “Other Indicators”. Note the end dates of these payment extensions/deferrals. Balances remaining on your account past the end dates will be due on the next payment due date.
- I am not receiving $14,000 in financial aid, but I am receiving some financial aid.
When is mypayment due date?
You must pay your housing charges in full by the payment due date, or enroll in the Housing Installment Payment Plan (IPP) which is detailed below. You do not qualify for the Housing Extension, but if you are receiving some financial aid you probably have the Tuition Fee Deferral on your account. Verify this information on your My菠菜网lol正规平台 account under “Other Indicators”. If you have the Tuition Fee Deferral, but not the Housing Extension, only your registration fees are deferred. Please note that by enrolling in the Housing IPP, you must pay the full amount of each installment in its entirety on or before the payment due dates, even if you have the Tuition Fee Deferral. If an installment is unpaid, partially paid, or paid late you may be subject to late fees and holds on your account.
- I am not receiving any financial aid but I cannot pay the full amount due on the payment
due date.What are my options?
You can enroll in the Housing Installment Payment Plan (IPP) which is explained in further detail below. You can also contact the Financial Aid Office to discuss options of financial aid that may be available to you. The Housing Resident Accounts Coordinator is available to review any additional options with you.
- I have both the Tuition Fee Deferral and the Housing Extension on my account but I
will not beable to afford the full balance due by the payment due date after the extensions
are removed. Whatare my payment options?
If you have a balance on your account after your financial aid has been disbursed and you cannot pay the balance all at once, you can enroll in the Housing Installment Payment Plan (IPP) to help break up the payments. Please note that depending on when you enroll in the Housing IPP will depend on how many installments are available to you. See below for more information on the Housing IPP.
- Will I get a refund if I decide not to move in?
UHS will generate a refund under the following conditions:
- You have submitted all required documents to cancel your Housing License Agreement and it has been approved.
- All future housing charges for the current fee period are paid in full.
- There are no outstanding housing debts for the prior year license.
- There are no outstanding 菠菜网lol正规平台 debts.
- Payment was not made with a personal check within the last 21 calendar days (if so, there will be a waiting period).
- How Long Does It Take To Get Refunds?
By signing up for Direct Deposit (Electronic Refunds), you give the University permission to deposit any refunds or financial aid disbursements directly to your personal bank account. We recommend enrolling in Direct Deposit since it is more secure and you will receive your refund faster. You may sign up for Direct Deposit by navigating to your My菠菜网lol正规平台 student center and following the instructions on how to enroll in Direct Deposit
If you don't enroll in Direct Deposit, it can take 4 to 6 weeks to receive a refund check.
Refunds are processed throughout the semester. A student does not need to submit a request to receive a refund. Refunds due to financial aid disbursements in excess of charges on a student's account are issued to students when there is a credit balance on a student's account, per standard processing schedules. Refunds for payments made on student accounts other than financial aid are processed throughout the semester, after the add/drop period has ended.
Students are responsible for their own accounts. If students choose to do so, they
may authorize a parent user to discuss financial information regarding their accounts.
Information regarding a student’s account cannot be given out to anyone other than
the student unless the student has identified an authorized
parent user through the Housing Application Portal and accessed their housing application.
The information allowed to be given to authorized parent users is restricted to only
financial information due to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
Below is a link to more information regarding FERPA as well as a link on how to add
an authorized parent user to a student’s account.
FERPA information: