July 18, 2022 Greetings from the Office of Research
We hope your summer is going well and that you are having a restful time. Based on interactions with our office, it is clear that many of you are working on your Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity (RSCA). Please know that the Office of Research is always here to help you complete your RSCA goals and that as the summer winds down, now might be the perfect time to schedule out your plans for the fall and spring.
As we prepare for a new academic year, the Office of Research is planning new efforts to engage faculty and spur interdisciplinary collaborations. Look for specifics about our Research Café series in the August newsletter, as well as information about the calendar for internal grant initiatives and Research Development workshops.
Richard Mocarski Associate Vice President for Research
News from Research Development
I hope everyone is enjoying the summer. Should you choose to work on your RSCA trajectory plan or write a proposal, Research Development is here all summer to support you. Contact us!
Grant Getting Workshop — Managing Your Scholarly Identity and Using Pivot
The summer is a great time to be sure you know how to use 菠菜网lol正规平台’s "go to tool" for finding funding — Pivot. Please join us for our one workshop of the summer, Managing Scholarly Identity and Using Pivot, tomorrow, July 19 from 10:30 A.M. - Noon.
In this virtual workshop, you will learn how Pivot can be used to locate funding opportunities to support your research, scholarship, and creative activity, and the “next steps” once you find a funding opportunity. The workshop will also cover how to search for potential collaborations with colleagues, how to create a researcher profile, and the benefits of managing your online scholarly identity, specifically with a unique researcher ID called ORCID.
Ahead of this workshop, we recommend that attendees, (1) register for an ORCID iD if they do not already have one, and (2) sign up for a PIVOT account.
NSF SBE Program Officer to Visit 菠菜网lol正规平台 in August — Save the Date!
 Dr. Enrique Pumar, National Science Foundation (NSF) program officer from the Directorate for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences (SBE) is coming to 菠菜网lol正规平台 on August 10 or 11 (Exact date —TBD). Dr. Pumar plans to spend the entire day at 菠菜网lol正规平台. During his visit, he hopes to demystify NSF, and motivate all faculty working in areas funded by SBE to apply for agency funding. He specifically hopes to encourage researchers to apply to SBE’s Build and Broaden program. Other minority serving institutions will be invited to join the August meeting. Time will be set aside to address 菠菜网lol正规平台 faculty questions. Exact meeting date, time, and location will be sent in a later notification.
CSU STEM-NET Collaboration Potential
CSU STEM-NET program is looking to identify faculty from 菠菜网lol正规平台 interested in developing collaborative proposals in STEM (research grants, education grants, development, etc.) over the next 6-9 months. STEM-NET has been involved in over 32 collaborative proposals in the past two years, half of which were funded. These collaborations are an excellent opportunity to help grow interdisciplinary research and identify collaborators from across the CSU (and beyond). Please email Matt Leineweber (
matthew.leineweber@nigzob.com) with your interest and questions.
Student Design Challenge: Solar Energy Systems
Calling students from various disciplines interested in designing innovative solar energy systems!
Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Solar District Cup competition is designed to bring together multidisciplinary student teams to design energy systems for a campus or urban district that integrate solar, storage, and other technologies across mixed-use districts, or groups of buildings served by a common electrical feeder.
Diverse students in engineering, urban planning, finance, and related majors will form teams to reimagine how energy is generated and used in a given district. An informational webinar will be held August 25, 2022.
The application deadline is October 6, 2022. Visit the Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy
Solar Energy Technologies Office website for additional details.
More RSCA in Five Faculty Short Talks Coming in AY2022/23!
The first two events for the AY2022/23 RSCA in Five: Faculty Short Talks series will be held on
Friday, October 14, 2022 (10:30 A.M. to 1:00 P.M.)
focusing on Data Science, and
Friday, December 2, 2022
(10:30 A.M. to 1:00 P.M.) focusing on Community Engaged Scholarship respectively. Save the dates!
Strategic Grants Highlights for the Month
Humanities & The Arts
IMLS | Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Programs $50K-$1M | Required Pre-Proposals Due: September 21, 2022 Invited Full Proposals Due: March 17, 2023
IMLS | National Leadership Grants for Libraries (2023) $50K-$1M | Required Pre-Proposals Due: September 21, 2022 Invited Full Proposals Due: March 17, 2023
Minority Serving Institutions & Underserved Communities
USDE | Modeling and Simulation Program (MSP) (MSI) $750K-$1.1M | Deadline: August 15, 2022
USDE | School Choice & Improvement Programs (SCIP): Promise Neighborhoods (PN) Program $5M | Deadline: September 27, 2022
DOD | FY2023 Department of the Navy (DoN) Historically Black Colleges and Universities/Minority Institutions (HBCU/MI) Program $50K-$450K | Deadline: December 14, 2022
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math
NSF | Disrupting Operations of Illicit Supply Networks (D-ISN) $1M | Deadline: July 29, 2022
NSF | Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST) $100K-$5M | Deadline: August 12, 2022
NASA | D.4 University Leadership Initiative (ULI) ~ $1M-$8M | Deadline: August 30, 2022
NSF | Research on Emerging Technologies for Teaching and Learning (RETTL) $850K | Deadline: October 17, 2022
NSF | Paleo Perspectives on Present and Projected Climate (P4CLIMATE) $400K+ | Deadline: October 20, 2022
Newly Released Limited Submissions & Upcoming Deadlines
NSF | National Science Foundation Research Traineeship Program (NRT) $3M | NRT Track 2: $2M | Internal 菠菜网lol正规平台 Deadline: July 29, 2022 Sponsor Deadline: September 6, 2023
NSF | HSI Program Network Resource Centers and Hubs $3M-$7M | Internal 菠菜网lol正规平台 Deadline: August 19, 2022 Required Sponsor LOI Due: November 14, 2022 | Sponsor Deadline: December 15, 2022 Note: Contact CSU STEM-Net Director, Frank Gomez (fgomez@calstate.edu) if interested in joining a multi-campus HSI-Hub proposal.
NSF | NSF Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (S-STEM) ≤ $250K | Internal 菠菜网lol正规平台 Deadline: August 19, 2022 | Sponsor Deadline: February 20, 2023
NSF | Improving Undergraduate STEM Education (IUSE): Hispanic-Serving Institutions | Track 3: Institutional Transformation Projects (ITP) $200K-$3M | Internal 菠菜网lol正规平台 Deadline: February 17, 2023 | Sponsor Deadline: August 30, 2023
Please Note: 菠菜网lol正规平台 is now eligible to apply for Tracks 1, 2, and 3. The Limited Submission process only applies to a Track 3 proposal, not Tracks 1 or 2.
Looking for Ways to Increase Your Scholarly Web-Based Presence?
Consider the following recommendations:
First, create your
菠菜网lol正规平台 ScholarWorks profile.
菠菜网lol正规平台 ScholarWorks is 菠菜网lol正规平台’s institutional repository designed to make your research and creative works available for the world to discover and use. 菠菜网lol正规平台 ScholarWorks contains a broad range of scholarship, creative work, archival collections, and more. Each year, users from more than 200 countries download over 1.4 million items from 菠菜网lol正规平台 ScholarWorks.
Second, showcase your academic publications on the web and increase your “googleability” by claiming your
Google Scholar profile. Choose to make it public and track who is citing your articles. Google Scholar will calculate your h-index and i10-index. The h-index is calculated by counting the number of author publications that have been cited by other authors by at least that same number of times. The i10-index is used only by Google Scholar and reports the number of publications that have been cited a minimum of 10 times.
Export Control Alert
On June 9, 2022 the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) amended the Cuban Assets Control Regulations. If you will be visiting Cuba for a conference, RSCA activities, or educational travel, please contact the
Research Compliance Unit right away.
Authorship — Who, Where, How Many?
While disputes over authorship do not meet the
federal definition of research misconduct, they can still be emotionally distressing and damage relationships between colleagues. Here are a few things to consider that may prove helpful as you navigate the questions around authorship.
- Several professional organizations have created tools to determine whether an individual’s contribution merits authorship. You can find a comprehensive list of these resources on the Research Compliance website.
Research Foundation Updates
New Faces at the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Research Foundation
Please join us in welcoming two new members to the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Research Foundation team!
Eric Hagan Executive Assistant – Central Office Administration
Ravi Kumar Tanti Student Assistant – IT Support Services
Business Travel Mileage Rate Increased for the Remainder of 2022
On June 9, the Internal Revenue Service announced an increase in the standard mileage rate for the remaining six months of 2022. The standard mileage rate for business travel will be 62.5 cents per mile, up 4 cents from the rate effective at the beginning of 2022. The new rate became effective July 1, 2022. For more travel-related information visit the Research Foundation Travel web page.
College of Engineering Hiu Yung Wong — Electrical Engineering: Circuit Simulation Carrier Transport Physics Characterication and BTI Reliability Modeling of MST | Sponsor: Atomera
Nicole Okamoto, Matthew Stowe — Engineering, Dean's Office: MESA College Prep Program for AY 2021-2024 | Sponsor: Regents of the University of California
College of Health and Human Sciences Anusha Yellamsetty — Audiology: Clinical Trial Evaluating Outcomes of Self-Fit and Professionally Fit Hearing Aids | Sponsor: Whisper.ai
College of Humanities & The Arts
James Josh Coleman, Scott Jarvie — English & Comparative Literature: San José Area Writing Project 2021-2022 - CSMP ESSER | Sponsor: Regents of The University of California
College of Science
Lionel E. Cheruzel — Chemistry: Novel Strategies in Light-Driven P450 Enzymes |
Sponsor: National Institutes of Health
Amanda Kahn — Moss Landing Marine Lab: Using Energetics and Metabolism to Enhance Olympia Oyster Aquaculture and Outplanting Success | Sponsor: CSU, Monterey Bay
Amanda Kahn, Luke Gardner — Moss Landing Marine Lab: Using Energetics and Metabolism to Enhance Olympia Oyster Aquaculture and Outplanting Success | Sponsor: University of California
Birgitte McDonald — Moss Landing Marine Laboratory: State Funds to Support Stranding Response in California | Sponsor: The Marine Mammal Center
James Harvey — Moss Landing Marine Laboratory: Estuarine Wetland and Nearshore Ecology Studies along the Pacific Flyway | Sponsor: U.S. Geological Survey
Michael Graham, Scott L. Hamilton, Maya Devries — Moss Landing Marine Laboratory: Improving IMTA System Design for the Co-Culture of Seaweeds and Abalone to Mitigate the Effects of Climate Change | Sponsor: University of California, San Diego
Wesley A. Heim — Moss Landing Marine Laboratory: Hydrofocus Dutch Slough
Sponsor: HydroFocus Inc.
Zachariah Peery — Moss Landing Marine Laboratory: Effectiveness and Optimization of Forest Fuels Reductions for Biodiversity Conservation in a Changing Sierra Nevada
Sponsor: California Department of Forestry and Fire
Michael J. Kaufman — Science, Dean’s Office: Astronomical Infrared Bands as Calibrated Probes of Astrophysical Conditions in the JWST-era with The NASA Ames PAH IR Spectroscopic Database | Sponsor: NASA
Shelley Cargill — Science, Dean’s Office: 菠菜网lol正规平台 MESA College Prep Program-One-Time Funding 21-24 | Sponsor: Regents of the University of California
College of Social Sciences
Margaret Stevenson — Justice Studies: The Record Clearance Project (RCP) at San José State University | Sponsor: State of California
VP/Provost Academic & Student Affairs
Elena Klaw — Undergraduate Studies: CaliforniansForAll College Service Program | Sponsor: California Volunteers