菠菜网lol正规平台 Quality Matters Peer Reviewers

The following San Jose State University Faculty Members have successfully completed peer-reviewer training in “Applying the QM Rubric.” This course provides an in-depth experience using the respective instruments and objective-based examples to support reviewing and informing online courses. They have demonstrated skills at using the QM objectives to rate elements of a course and writing helpful recommendations.

 QM Peer Reviews Completed as of September 4, 2017

Last Name First Name Campus Program Reviews
 Chang  Megan  San Jose  QM  6
 Gao  Ge  San Jose  QM  2
 Gordon  Susan  San Jose  QM  3
 Liu  Yingjie  San Jose  QM  -
 Mathur  Ravisha  San Jose  QM  6
 Weissmann  Debbie  San Jose  QM  -